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November 2018 News

November 2018 News

Establishing HSE Coordination Meetings with Employer Representatives, Municipal Partnership Offices, Labor Office and Contractors
Organizing weekly engineering coordination meetings with the presence of employer, consultant and contractors
Establishing Engineering meetings with the presence of our senior consultants and our consultant in the project
Morning sessions and reports to the CEO of Tolo Atieh Gharb Medical Company, Dr. Alizadeh
Establishing Engineering Meetings with Firefighting Advisor
Follow up on the addition of project size increase
To convene a meeting of the commission for purchases and transactions for project purchases
Visiting the Aran Holding Factory QC project control units, excellent consultant and project consultant
Formation of facades commission for selecting contractor
Establishing various coordination meetings for tender fire system
Follow up for power split from the design consultant for the project main power cable route
Follow up on project sewage