27 March 19 Print

March 2019 News

March 2019 News
Organizing weekly engineering sessions on executive issues and project technical drawings
Setting up of coordination of the employer, consultant and contractors on project safety issues
HSE's weekly meetings with contractors on project safety issues
Receive the meeting form of the non-architectural objection from the municipality of District 2
Win the project and get the mark of excellence 2 safety at the Safety Congress in milad tower
Preparation of bidding documents on the implementation of the demonstration and the winning of the Namakaran Hezareh Sevom Co. as a contractor for construction of the facade and the Payasazeh Pasargad Co. as a contractor for installation
Follow up on the selection of the Helly Pad consultant
Preparation of required materials for the project
Celebrate the end of the year on the last working day of the project in 1397